Quorum is an introduction-only membership network that exists
to bring together individuals at the top of their professions with a shared belief
in the power of collaboration

Quorum facilitates opportunities and the cross fertilisation of ideas in a trusted and secure environment. Quorum achieves this by combining the benefit of a private online networking platform with the more traditional element of meeting face to face.
The future application user
is a busy person who appreciates the rational use of his time.
On the main screen,
the User can see all the latest published events and new users
of the application.
The first decision is to make
the design clean. Exclude distracting details and excessive decorations.
User of the application see a list
of upcoming events and past, information
about events. In the details of the event, you can confirm participation in the event
or refuse to attend.
New useful contacts can be made in the application
with the click of a button.