BytePace has been successfully operating in the mobile development market since 2015. We develop and support mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms. A full development cycle, from a clear, well-thought-out technical specification (based on the needs of the client) to amazing user-friendly interfaces and Web services.
Sergey Rodiontsev
Sergey's passion is a working with people, therefore he is a good project manager and team building leader. Moreover he has a skill in iOS development and take a part in the current projects. He prefers the active lifestyle, a snowboarding, and hard trainings in a gym. And always glad to talk on different topics.
Ruslan Musagitov
Ruslan studied Robotics at Omsk Technical University. Worked as software engineer at Aldigit. Founded BytePace in 2015. Interested in software technologies and hi-tech. Experienced team lead and project manager. After first his word everyone understands what needs to be done and when.
Vladislav Ryabov
Vlad holds Masters's degree in Robotics, OmSTU.
Have worked in Energy system companies. Since 2014 work as entrepreneur.
His roles in BytePace: organisation of the workflow, solution of legal, financial and staffing issues, project management.
Hobbies - travelling, history and architecture.