
DabaDoc is the first platform of medical appointments online management in Africa. Thanks to its many built-in features it optimizes the management of medical practices and allows patients to make an appointment in a few clicks 24/7, free of charge.
DabaDocPro allows you to receive appointments online, reduce number of missed appointments and connect your medical practice all the time!
Manage your calendar in real time, be notified of new appointments made online to confirm, change or cancel it wherever you are, find the coordinates of your patients and contact them simply or contact support DabaDoc more easily.
DabaDocPro is an application purposed for the community of physicians and health professionals using the DabaDoc service.
  • Tools:
    Alamofire, SwiftyJSON, PKHUD, IQKeyboardManager, SideMenu, SDWebImage, MRCountryPicker, Firebase, Intercom, WRCalendarView, PhoneNumberKit, Reachability.swift