Mobile app for online ordering with similar to the B2B-portal "FoamLine" functionality. The application has a full catalog of products, possibility to draw up and track the status of placed orders, communicate with the customer service through appeals and claims. The app includes many filters and advanced search for faster receiving of the necessary information about orders and products.
Functionality The app allows "FoamLine" clients to work with a personal account in 24 hours a day mode, provide access to relevant information and news about plants and products, additional features and applications of the B2B portal, promotions and updates.
Functionality The application allows to explore the full details of the desired product, make an order for any of the industries.
Orders placed in the application send directly to the work program at the "FoamLine" plants in a few seconds.
Then the order will be processed by client service managers, the report will be prepared and sent for approval to the Personal Account.
Functionality The work through Personal Account allows clients to place orders for the desired date of shipment and track the status of orders already made.
When the order status changes, the client receives a notification with the new status to the specified number on demand.
RxJava, Butter Knife, OkHttp, Jackson, Simple-XML, kSOAP2, XmlPullParser, Swift 3, Objective-C, Realm, Grand Central Dispatch, Alamofire